Gex Glassterior Fit 100 cube

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  • Regular price $14.50

Gex Glassterior Fit 100 Glass Tank Suitable for bettas and terrarium. Tank Dimensions: 10 x 10 x 20(H) cm Comes With Fully Fitted Glass Cover Total Tank Volume 1.6L A frameless all-glass aquarium with a beautiful water view. It comes with a solid partition and a black back screen that shines the living body. We adopt glass lid which we can seal by fitting glass manufacturing method. The edges are artistically polished by a special polishing machine. Because it uses clear silicon, the part where the glass is laminated is also beautiful. The Glass Tank Fit Series can be stacked and installed. Suitable for terrarium etc. because the lid can be sealed. * This product does not come with a glass lid holder or cushion mat.