Tropica Premium Nutrition

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  • Regular price $19.00

Premium Fertilizer contains the most important nutrients for healthy and sustained aquarium plant growth. Premium Fertilizer does not however contain nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P).

Premium Fertilizer therefore supplies the nutrients plants easily run out of and which plants ideally absorb via the leaves. These are the nutrients which are supplied via fish excrement and food remnants. We therefore recommend Premium Fertilizer for aquariums with few plants and a relatively large number of fish.

Premium Fertilizer is added each week when changing the water. A flask is used to ensure an accurate dosage. The fertilizer is forced up into the fertilizer chamber by a single press on the flask. We recommend 5 mL per 50 L water per week, but recommend that this is set in accordance with plant requirements. For example, light leaves often indicate lack of nutrition, but can also be due to poor growth. Echinodorus bleheri is a typical example of lack of micro-nutrients. Regular dosing with Premium Fertilizer can restore green and luxuriant leaves. Note, however, that Premium Fertilizer is a fertilizer and not a medicine for dying plants.

It is recommended that minimum 25 % of the aquarium water is changed every second week. If undesirable algae growth does occur, then we recommend increasing water change frequency (up to 50%) and planting additional rapid growth water plants such as Hygrophila, Vallisneira and Egeria.