The 2hr Aquarist - Estimative Index In A Bottle

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  • Regular price $65.00

Designed to exceed the maximum estimate of plant-growth requirements, the famous nutrient dosing approach pioneered by Tom Barr is now available in a ready-to-use concentrate that removes the guesswork from trying to recreate this powerful and sometimes elusive formula.

The 2Hr Aquarist APT Estimative Index fertilizer saturates the water heavily with NPK, Mg, Fe, and Traces, removing all nutrient deficiencies from the equation. This allows the aquarist to focus on tuning light, CO2 and other variables. An overview of the EI methodology can be found here.

Dose 5ml per 100L 3 times per week or 2ml per 100L daily. FAQ here.

Each 5ml per 100L dose adds 6ppm Potassium (K), 6ppm Nitrogen (NO3), 1.5ppm Phosphorus (PO4), 0.16ppm Iron (Fe), and additional amounts of Boron (B), Copper (Cu), Magnesium (Mg), Manganese (Mn), Molybdenum (Mo) and Zinc (Zn).